Monday, April 2, 2007

Kindergarten Registration

Do you know an incoming kindergarten student who is not registered? It is important that we get those students registered asap!

My guess is that there are a lot of kindergarten students out there who are not registered. If you know of a neighbor, friend or someone new to the area who has not registered their kindergarten student, please get them into the office at Pope a.s.a.p. to do so. Our staffing numbers (the amount of teachers we get) is based on the number of students who enroll, and therefore it is not good for folks to wait until summer time to register. Kindergarten packets can be picked up at Pope, along with packets for new students at other levels who will be going to Edgerton who have not been attending Pope this year. There are very specific registration requirements for kindergartners and it takes some time to complete the paperwork, so the sooner the better. Thanks for your help in this area.


· Place of registration:
Pope Elementary

· Dates for Registration:
Pre-registration was in March, but we want you in that Pope office right away - do NOT wait until late summer.

· Hours for registration:
School Hours - 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

· Requirements for enrollment:

1. To be eligible for kindergarten a child must be five (5) years of age on or before August 31, 2007. A birth certificate will be required, which must be presented at the time of registration.

Early entrance testing and placement has been discontinued. We are strictly following the State law that states a child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2007.

Edgerton will not be hosting a full-day kindergarten program this year.
If you wish to apply to an all-day program at another school (Pope will be hosting a program next year), the student will first need to be placed in a half-day program at Edgerton, so register accordingly. Students will be selected for full-day by lottery to be held the week of April 23. After selection the elementary education office or the hosting principal will be contacting families.

WAC 248-100-166 (regulation) -- IMMUNIZATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN.
Parents will NOT be allowed to register their child if the immunization record is incomplete. Children entering kindergarten must have the required immunizations, listed below, prior to registration. Students cannot enter school, even on a temporary basis, without proof of immunization.

REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS: (pediatricians should be aware of such)
1) Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine: At least four doses, the last of which must have been given on or after the youngster’s fourth birthday.
2) Oral polio vaccine: Three doses, the last of which must have been given on or after age four. Four doses are required if the same type of vaccine (IPV or OPV) is NOT used.
3) Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Two doses, which must have been given on or after the first birthday.
4) Hepatitis B: A three-dose series of hepatitis B vaccine will be required for children entering kindergarten.
5) Varicella (chickenpox): As of July 1 all children entering preschool, kindergarten and 6th grade will need to show proof of immunity from varicella (chickenpox) disease. This can be done in the following ways: vaccination on or after the first birthday; parent documentation of having had the disease; serologic proof of immunity (a positive blood test).
6) Month, day, and year of all vaccines. If no date of immunization is available, enter the first day of the month. Example: for a child with a DTP date of 6/81, a date of 6/1/81 may be entered on the CIS form.
7) Physician documentation of measles disease will no longer fulfill the measles requirement.
8) The measles (rubella) requirement may be met by providing laboratory confirmation of a positive test proving immunity to measles (rubella).

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